PUBLIC NOTICE - Sewer Separation Public Information Meeting
September 12, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers
The City of Portsmouth is moving forward with the planning and construction of sewer improvements to help clean up the South Mill Pond. Separation of sanitary and storm sewer flows is proposed to minimize flooding, mitigate sewage backups, and reduce sewer overflows at the South Mill Pond. The City is requesting the area resident's initial help and cooperation during a Building/House survey. Affected homeowners will be contacted by mail prior to the inspections.
The survey will be conducted by Severn Trent Pipeline Services, Inc., (Auburn, NH) under the direction of Underwood Engineers, Inc., (Portsmouth, NH) the City's consulting engineer. The inspection team will be in uniform and will carry a picture identification card. The survey will be conducted Monday through Saturday during the hours between 8:00 am and sundown. To complete the survey, access to basements will be needed. Individual visits should take less than 15 minutes.
Surveys can be anticipated to begin the week of September 16th, 2002. We ask that representatives from these companies be afforded the same access rights and privileges as City personnel for performing their work. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Questions and concerns regarding this project can be directed to the project "hot-line" (603) 475-3822.
A public informational meeting will also be held regarding the house-to-house work and the rest of the project on September 12, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers.
Peter H Rice, P.E.
City Official